Missions work we support, with your help, here at NLC.
We work to help those around the world to our front doors.
We have several missions work that we do for our community as well as the surrounding area.
G & J
After five years of short-term mission trips to Nicaragua, G & J felt the call of God to full-time missions in Nicaragua. They moved there and began their ministry full-time in July 2012. Their vision is to show the love of Jesus one day at a time, one life at a time, in everyday circumstances, by helping with the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of the Nicaraguan people. We want to see the young people of Nicaragua understand God’s purpose for their life and help each one rise as disciples of Christ.
New Day Ministry, 299 McMurray Rd., Canton, PA 17724 | 570-360-5113
22.9 Ministries
Mike & Dianne Comereski
229 Ministries exist to minister to the physical & spiritual needs of individuals on the street
229’s team goes out nearly every weekend to the streets of several area cities to help provide for the homeless people. They supply food, blankets, sleeping bags, clothes, and more!
Endless Mountains Pregnancy Care Center
Endless Mountains Pregnancy Care Center Provides alternatives to abortion for women with unplanned pregnancies by offering care and practical help.
PO Box 42, Canton, PA 17724 | 570.673.4476
Chosen People Ministries
Israel & Judy Cohen
Israel loves to share the Good News of Jesus the Messiah with the Jewish people. Israel and his wife, Judy, joined the staff of Chosen People Ministries in 1978 and began their active ministry in the Metropolitan New York and New Jersey areas. They are now stationed in Florida, one of the world's fastest-growing Jewish population centers. Along with being a gifted evangelist and teacher, Israel Cohen is also a preacher of God's Word.
241 East 51st, New York, NY 10022 | 212.223.2252
Will & Kelly Tallman
As Tribal church planters in the jungles of Papua New Guinea, much of their work involves linguistics. First, they learn the Kuman tribal language that had never been written down. Then, they develop a written language for themselves and begin translating God’s Word into that language. Next, they teach them how to read and write in their language through literacy programs that they develop.
New Tribes Mission, 1000 East First Street, Sanford, FL, 32771 | 407.323.3430
John & Jennifer Maxwell
In 2005, God allowed MSI to build and operate a medical mission in Southern Sudan. In October 2006, the Akot Medical Mission opened its doors to patients. Today, the present medical staff sees over 100 patients daily. The Mission is a beacon of light among the lost and hurting Dinka people. It is an instrument to share the Gospel among patients and in the surrounding villages across South Sudan. MSI could not ignore the harsh reality of the statistics: 10% of children do not live to see their 5th birthday, and the infant mortality rate is over 15%. They desire to make a dent in those and other awful statistics as the hospital staff, doctors, nurses, and ministers share their medical and spiritual experience to help lower this mortality rate and raise the “eternal life” rate.
Wycliffe Bible Translator
John & Janice Jenkins
John & Janice serve with Wycliffe Bible Translator in Cameroon. Their work extends into six surrounding countries, and this next term, their roles will be expanding to cover the continent of Africa. Cameroon has about 16 million citizens and 289 languages. Eighty of those languages have the Bible translated, and we are currently working on seventy additional translations. Having the Bible translated into the heart language of the people is essential for reaching them through evangelization and church planting. The Jesus Film is also translated through our work.
Wycliff Bible Translators, 10107 Timber Hitch Dr, Waxhaw, NC 28173